What are PsychoKitties NFT?

PsychoKitties: The New Era is a collection that features 10,000 unique, algorithmically generated kitties. These are metaverse characters, they all are unique and they come from 96 hand-drawn traits with different levels of rarity. Every Psychokitty is a little different from the other! No two PsychoKitties are exactly alike. They can be owned and the person gets a proof of ownership as they exist on the blockchain. Before diving into psychokiities, it’s important to understand what are NFTs as psychokitties are NFTs. NFT Development has opened the doors for everyone to showcase their NFTs to the world and earn. NFTs are non-fungible tokens. Fungible means if you have one dollar and your friend has one dollar, and two of you exchange the dollar with each other, you two still have one dollar. However, this is not the case with NFTs. Each NFT is unique and one is not equal to another. Psychokitties Psychokitties are loved by people. Holders of Psychokitties get early a...